Anyway, I started my first real lace project...which honestly, was completely impulsive and a little dumb, because my first year of lace project and yarn will be arriving sometime in March and there is NO way I'll have the Celtic Knot Stole Done by then, but oh well. I had some BEAUTIFUL lace weight from Handpainted yarn that Bex gave me in the PERFECT shade of green for a celtic themed wrap. Okay, I'll stop justifying. If I ever get over my project ADD and work on it enough to take a decent picture, I will.
Anyway...last week I decided that I needed to stop procrastinating and make Bex' Christmas present. I know!! I know, okay? Anyway, she picked her yarn forever ago, so I gave her a the choice of a couple of hats from her queue for me to make for her. Thank you Bex, thank you for not making me make another Odessa. I would have...for you...but I'm glad you didn't make me hehehehe. Ain't she cute?

Aaaaaand I finally got the right combination of needle size and row omission to get my first Harlot hat done! Okay, so it must be love, because this is seriously the 5th time I've made this hat. This is the first time I made it to the end with enough yarn. Go me. And guess what...I don't love the white on me. It's pretty, I love the hat...just not on me. *sigh* Oh well, I guess it goes into the box. Hopefully I'll like the teal one better. It's cute though isn't it?

Hmm, what else...OH my Greece hat!!!! I did my first project using the yarns I picked up in Greece. I was browsing Ravelry (shock) and found a couple of people who used the Mille Colori for a SUPER-cute chevron hat. I couldn't resist. I made one and it is GORGEOUS. I think it might be my favorite hat...even more favorite than my ponytail hat, which I hold in very high regard. It's just so PRETTY. So, though it's more than I usually pay for yarn, I need to pick up a couple more skeins in this color way to make a matching scarf...and maybe mitts too. I really love how it knit up. It's just amazing in person.

Other than that...I got lots of yarn hehe It was my birthday present to myself, so I refuse to feel bad about spending the money...
From (both are lace weight and GORGEOUS)

I also got a bunch from Boucle's Yarn sale.
I think this is going to be a Jeannie from Knitty

I think this is going to be a tank top for summer, it's pima cotton and SOOOO soft

And I dunno what this is going to be...but I couldn't resist buying some frivolous pink yarn...

Okay okay, I'll end the novel, but hey, at least I've been keeping myself busy! I think if I don't finish my gloves soon Bec's gonna kill me hehehe Iyayooooo!