Yarn - HandpaintedYarn.com "Amatista"
Pattern - Calorimetry from Knitty.com
So, I'd had this fantastically GORGEOUS purple yarn from Handpainted yarn and I knew I wanted to make something different, not just another beanie. So, I went with a headband and scarf set. This is the headband (duh).
So this pattern is er...weird. The gauge is just...off. The first time I knit this, I used the prescribed needle size and hit the gauge with no problem. Unfortunately, I got half way through the pattern and realized that the knitted fabric was HUGE. Too huge. Bigger than my head huge. So I frogged it and walked away for a while.
A few weeks later, I picked up again and just decided to haphazardly drop 3 needle sizes. It was size perfection. I still have to add buttons to it, but I really love how it came out.
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