I finished Logan's IHS yesterday. It's gorgeous, I love it. It also means that 1 of the 2 large projects for Christmas are done. YAY! I have a lot of stuff left to knit, but they are all smaller 2 - 4 DAY projects instead of 2 - 4 WEEK projects :) Good thing since there's not man weeks left to Christmas.

I've also got my head in the clouds because I completed my first Daring Baker challenge yesterday. I really, really want to give more details, but I am sworn to secrecy. Suffice it to say that I feel like I completed something that was quite possibly impossible for this simple little baker. I'm very very proud of myself. I want to make more and maybe next time I will let myself be a little more adventurous.
I can only think of a couple of things that might be out of your league as a baker and even those you'd get down with a couple of tries. BTW, yuuuummmmm.
Oooo I love that color for IHS. Nice!
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