Had a great weekend (last weekend) with my mom and Bec. We went yarn store hopping - which I haven't done in AGES. Of course, because I hadn't done it in ages, I spent more and bought more yarn than I should have. I think, considering the circumstances, I did pretty well. I went to Harmony and picked up some size 2 DPNs so I could (re)start my Lake Park Gloves, and two skeins of Noro so that I could make a small version of the Lopi felted purse. (that's done by the way, and on it's umpteenth run through the wash with the normal laundry - I have a top loader and it takes forever to felt - it is coming out nicely though.)

After Harmony, we stopped by Jo-anns, where I managed to spend $12 on nothing...I know, I don't get it either. Oh, I take that back, I did get a skein of white microspun for Heather's Christmas present (and then I tried to knit with it and remembered why Bec gave me her microspun in the first place - BLEH!)
Then we hit Boucle's. You know, Ricky may not have the yarn selection of Harmony, but I just like the shop better. So Bec and a bounced around there for a long time, feeling all the yarns. Yumm! I was good and only picked up a skein of Cascade in black (for a Christmas present) and a small skein of Brownsheep's Handpainted Originals, because I just couldn't resist the colorway. It's GORGEOUS!

So, Sunday, mom and I just bounced around town together, which is something we don't do nearly enough, but we always have SO much fun.
Monday, the week from hell began. Bec stayed home from work (mental health day) and so we started the day knitting and chatting while I worked. Then, we made the fateful decision to go to Taco Bell.
A note on Taco Bell - Bec and I both have fond memories of chili cheese burritos from Taco Bell when we were in high school. So when they released these new chili cheese nachos, we decided that we should ask if they were making chili cheese burritos again - well they are (YAY!) and we had one for lunch Sunday.
So, yeah, back to Monday, against our normally impeccable judgment, we went to Taco Bell for lunch again. Well...this decision didn't work out so well for me. Suffice it to say that I got the worst case of food poisoning I've had in YEARS. It knocked me on my ass from Monday afternoon to Tuesday night. It was HORRIBLE.
On top of that, my beloved pet bug died Tuesday night. I'm so sad. I know it's dumb, but I really loved her. I didn't realize how many times a day I came in to say hi to her and watch her and just check on her. I really did love her and I'm gonna miss her.

Wednesday...Halloween. I'm not touching that one. Logan was very sweet and got me my new Sims game for the Wii. It's AWESOME! I spent all day playing it. Totally fun. The night kinda went to shit, but oh well.
Yesterday was the first day I had felt human all week. Then...about 4 in the afternoon, Logan and I start getting sniffly...and headachey...and sneezy. Yup, you guessed it, we both have horrible colds. Ugh. Unbelievable. It hit hard and fast too. We were both find, then all of a sudden, WHAM! Head cold. Grrr.
That said, I made some FANTASTIC chocolate cake last night. I got the idea for making the cake from La Mia Cucina, who got the recipe from Orangette. Regardless, this is the BEST homemade chocolate cake I've ever made. Sooo moist and just deep and rich. This will be a layer cake soon. Very soon. These are so damn good. I should take a picture of them.
Anyway, I suppose that catches you up on my life and times. Next on the Agenda:
1 - Join the Daring Bakers. I got my invitation yesterday - YAY!
2 - KNITKNITKNIT! I have to get some Christmas projects done! No more personal projects!!!
3 - Explore the new island my Sim found yesterday - yes - this is important.
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